CRO Aviano, 12-16 September 2016

This is the 2nd summer school of a series of activities including networking, workshops, summer schools and short courses designed within the European AIDPATH project ‘Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology’ (FP7-Marie Curie Action).

This School is organized by the University of Udine in collaboration with CRO, and with the unconditioned sponsorship of Roche.


  • Introduction to Digital Pathology
  • The digital slide workflow
  • Technical aspects
  • Image analysis
  • Novel imaging techniques


The foreseen audience is constituted by 10-30 participants holding one of the following positions:

  • Medical doctors (pathologists, haematologists),
  • Laboratory technicians (Pathology Lab),
  • Biotechnologists, biologists
  • Clinical engineers, Health informaticians (with health information systems knowledge)
  • Researchers in related fields.

Further info here:

European Congress on Digital Pathology, Berlin, 24-28 May 2016

AIDPATH Workshop on Digital Immunohistochemistry

25th May 2016


1130-1230 AIDPATH private management meeting

13-15 AIDPATH workshop: Digital Immunohistochemistry

  • The AIDPATH project (Gloria Bueno, UCLM)
  • Quality assurance of image analysis tools (A.Rasmusson, VPC)
  •  On Ki67 hotspots (V.Della Mea, D.Pilutti, UNIUD)
  • AIDPATH Contests and Surveys (M.Garcia Rojo and G.Bueno)

Open discussion

26th May 2015


Place: Madrid, Spain
Workshop: Information Technology in Digital Pathology

Targeting academic and industry experts working in the field of Digital Pathology, this workshop will provide the opportunity to generate and discuss different analysis methods, case study examples and procedures. This will also allow the participants to fully understand the Information Technology (IT) techniques and image analysis tools that can be successfully applied to digital pathology. The topics cover different aspects related to The European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI)working groups, such as, MIP (Medical Image Processing), IDeS (Information and decision Support in Biomedical and Health Care) and THI (Translational Health Informatics).
This event is a satellite workshop to MIE conference.

Panel at MIE2014 – Medical Informatics Europe 2014, Istanbul, August 2014

The “Common Ontology” between ICD 11 and SNOMED CT to ensure semantic interoperability

Organizers: Alan Rectora, Christopher G. Chuteb , Stefan Schulzc , Vincenzo Della Mead, Jean-Marie Rodriguesef, Kent Spackmang, T. Bedirhan Üstünh
aUniversity of Manchester, UK
bDepartment of Health Sciences ResearchMayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota,55905, USA
cInstitute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation, Medical University of Graz, Austria
dDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy
eINSERM, U1142, LIMICS, Paris, France;
f University Jean Monnet Saint Etienne, France
gInternational Health Terminology Standard Development Organisation, Copenhagen, Denmark
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Do we need a Common Ontology between ICD 11 and SNOMED CT to Ensure Seamless Re-use and Semantic Interoperability?

(Organizers: JAG members Jean Marie Rodrigues, Stefan Schulz, Kent Spackman, Bediran Ustun, Christopher Chute, Vincenzo Della Mea, Jane Millar, Kristina Brand Persson, Dipak Kalra, Alan Rector).

21 August 2013, 1030-12, Copenhagen (DK), during MEDINFO 2013 – The 14th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 11th European Congress on Telepathology and 5th International Congress on Virtual Microscopy to be held in Venice, Italy 6-9 June, 2012. The Congress is organized by the University of Udine, the Azienda Sanitaria ULSS 18 Rovigo, with the support of the Società di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia diagnostica – italian division of the International Academy of Pathology, the International Academy of Telepathology, the International Academy of Digital Pathology, and other partners.

It is our great pleasure to announce the program and invite you to the 3rd Nottingham Image Analysis Training School (NITS) to be held at the University of Udine in Italy in June 2011. The NITS event is being organized by the Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Udine, with the support of the EU COST Action IC0604 “European Telepathology Network”, and of The University of Nottingham (United Kingdom). A world class faculty will be present to provide training in the use of image analysis in Pathology and there will opportunities to develop collaborative links in an informal and relaxed setting.

More at the School web site:

Vincenzo Della Mea will give a lecture on “Representation, use and reuse of health data and knowledge: the case of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health” at the Dept. of Health Sciences and Health Policy, University of Luzern, on 17 March 2011, at 17:15.

E’ trascorso quasi un paio d’anni dall’inizio del pressing governativo verso l’allestimento di un “Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico Personale” (FSEP) per ogni cittadino italiano, dedicato alla raccolta, in formato digitale, accessibile e condivisibile, delle proprie informazioni sanitarie e cliniche. Ad oggi, pur persistendo l’assenza di un convincente modello di riferimento, che tuttavia non è presente nemmeno a livello internazionale, il FSEP è in fase di sperimentazione in quasi metà delle Regioni Italiane. È il momento, quindi, di una riflessione seria e condivisa.

Il Politecnico di Milano ha organizzato un seminario su La qualità del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico Personale (17-18 febbraio 2011), in collaborazione con altri atenei tra cui il presente laboratorio.