Digital pathology is an interdisciplinary field where competency in pathology, laboratory techniques, informatics, computer science, information systems, engineering, and even biology converge. This implies that teaching students about digital pathology requires coverage, expertise, and hands-on experience in all these disciplines. With this in mind, a syllabus was developed for a digital pathology summer school aimed at professionals in the aforementioned fields, as well as trainees and doctoral students. The aim of this communication is to share the context, rationale, and syllabus for this school of digital pathology.

The school has been organized among the activities of the AIDPATH EU project.

SlideJ is an ImageJ plugin for processing digital slides (also known as virtual slides, WSI, etc). It has been developed by MITEL and is now available at Github and also on


PollicIoT è un progetto finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia nell’ambito del POR FESR 2014-2020,attivita’ 1.3.b, che vuole rispondere in maniera efficace alle necessita’ di oltre 25 milioni di persone colpite dal morbo di Alzheimer in tutto il mondo,520.000 solo in Italia.
PollicIoT è l’assistente tecnologico che offre un sistema di controllo remoto che permette il monitoraggio del malato a distanza da parte della famiglia o del Care Giver.
La finalita’ di PollicIoT è quella di offrire, in uno scenario di Smart Health Assisted Living, una soluzione completa dedicata all’assistenza dei malati di Alzheimer.
Grazie ad un dispositivo wearable dotato di sensori per l’individuazione della posizione e dei movimenti del malato ed una piattaforma WEB, il Care Giver sara’ in grado in tempo reale di localizzare il malato o ricevere notifiche di allarme in caso di caduta o uscita da perimetri predefiniti.

Sito web del progetto: PollicIoT.

European Congress on Digital Pathology, Berlin, 24-28 May 2016

AIDPATH Workshop on Digital Immunohistochemistry

25th May 2016


1130-1230 AIDPATH private management meeting

13-15 AIDPATH workshop: Digital Immunohistochemistry

  • The AIDPATH project (Gloria Bueno, UCLM)
  • Quality assurance of image analysis tools (A.Rasmusson, VPC)
  •  On Ki67 hotspots (V.Della Mea, D.Pilutti, UNIUD)
  • AIDPATH Contests and Surveys (M.Garcia Rojo and G.Bueno)

Open discussion

26th May 2015


Place: Madrid, Spain
Workshop: Information Technology in Digital Pathology

Targeting academic and industry experts working in the field of Digital Pathology, this workshop will provide the opportunity to generate and discuss different analysis methods, case study examples and procedures. This will also allow the participants to fully understand the Information Technology (IT) techniques and image analysis tools that can be successfully applied to digital pathology. The topics cover different aspects related to The European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI)working groups, such as, MIP (Medical Image Processing), IDeS (Information and decision Support in Biomedical and Health Care) and THI (Translational Health Informatics).
This event is a satellite workshop to MIE conference.

Panel at MIE2014 – Medical Informatics Europe 2014, Istanbul, August 2014

The “Common Ontology” between ICD 11 and SNOMED CT to ensure semantic interoperability

Organizers: Alan Rectora, Christopher G. Chuteb , Stefan Schulzc , Vincenzo Della Mead, Jean-Marie Rodriguesef, Kent Spackmang, T. Bedirhan Üstünh
aUniversity of Manchester, UK
bDepartment of Health Sciences ResearchMayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota,55905, USA
cInstitute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation, Medical University of Graz, Austria
dDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy
eINSERM, U1142, LIMICS, Paris, France;
f University Jean Monnet Saint Etienne, France
gInternational Health Terminology Standard Development Organisation, Copenhagen, Denmark
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland


“AIDPATH: Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology” is an international project focused on developing efficient and innovative products for digital pathology. AIDPATH is an IAPP Marie Curie Action European Union’s FP7 Framework Programme that is going to unfold for four years starting in November 2013.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s FP7 programme under grant agreement No 612471.

The AIDPATH project will foster advances in Digital Pathology through a seri
es of activities including 11 new recruitments.

Principal researchers are Gloria Bueno (Coordinator), Joseph Geradts, Dominique Segers, Rupert Ecker, David Toomey, Vincenzo Della Mea, Eugen Carasevici, Mohammad Ilyas, Guoping Qiu, Marcial García-Rojo, Lucía González-López, Arvydas Laurinavičius, Gerald Schaefer.

Further information:

Telepathology and digital pathology are historical and crucial activities of MITEL.

Currently, our lab is involved in a number of activities including:

OntoICF is a project carried out by MITEL in its collaboration with the WHO Italian Collaborating Centre for the Family of International Classifications.

Main subject of the project is the ICF classification (International Classification of Functioning, Disabilities and Health) that is being reconsidered as ontology, together with the other collaborating centres in the world, and on which an analysis is being done to explore potential hidden semantics to be explicited and represented in OWL.

MITEL is also involved in the development of the Italian Classification Portal, based on semantic wiki techniques.

Papers, presentations, posters

  1. A.Simoncello, V.Della Mea. OntoICF: a first report on ICF and SUMOMeeting of the WHO Collaborating Centres For The Family of International Classifications, Seoul, South Korea, 2009
  2. C.Francescutti, V.Della Mea, A.Simoncello, C.Daffara,S.Terreni, M.De Vescovi, M.Tuveri, A.Bondi. The Italian Portal for ClassificationsMeeting of the WHO Collaborating Centres For The Family of International Classifications, Seoul, South Korea, 2009
  3. V.Della Mea. ICF e Sistemi Informativi. I Convegno Nazionale ICF, Riva del Garda, 2009.
  4. C.Francescutti, V.Della Mea. Manutenzione e garanzia dei sistemi condivisi: il Portale Italiano delle Classificazioni. Congresso Nazionale SIAPEC-IAP, Firenze 2009.
  5. V. Della Mea, A. Simoncello, C. Francescutti et al. Rappresentazione e manutenzione di classificazioni biomediche: l’approccio del portale italiano per le classificazioni. In 9° Congresso Nazionale AITIM, Trieste 2008.
  6. V.Della Mea. Il Portale Italiano per le Classificazioni. In: Nuove strategie per la standardizzazione delle informazioni per l’epidemiologia, la clinica, la salute. Bologna, Novembre 2008.
  7. V.Della Mea, A.Simoncello. Representation of medical classifications: a comparison between SKOS and ClaMLMeeting of the WHO Collaborating Centres For The Family of International Classifications, New Dehli, India, 2008
  8. A.Bin, V.Della Mea, A.Simoncello, C.Francescutti. Hidden semantics into ICF Activity & Participation. ICF & Protege Workshop, Nottwil, Switzerland, 2008.
  9. V.Della Mea, A. Simoncello, C. Francescutti, C. Daffara, S. Terreni, M. De Vescovi, M. Tuveri. Rappresentazione e manutenzione di classificazioni biomediche: l’approccio del Portale Italiano per le Classificazioni. 9° Congresso Nazionale AITIM, Trieste, 2008.