Schermata 2017-09-18 alle 10.25.19

Il 21 e il 22 settembre prossimi il progetto PollicIoT, finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia nell’ambito del Por Fesr 2014-2020, si presenterà al Salone EuroBioHighTech, in programma presso la Stazione Marittima di Trieste.

Il progetto PollicIot, i cui partner sono Cimtech Srl, Mipot Spa, Università di Udine, ASP Daniele Moro e Friuli Innovazione, vuole offrire, in uno scenario Smart Health di Assisted Living, una soluzione completa dedicata all’assistenza dei malati di Alzheimer: da una piattaforma Web il caregiver sarà in grado di localizzare il paziente o ricevere notifiche di allarme in caso di caduta o uscita da perimetri predefiniti, grazie ad un dispositivo Wearable dotato di sensori GPS e per l’individuazione di posizione e movimenti del malato.

EuroBioHighTech sarà l’occasione per illustrare il progetto a operatori specializzati del settore, provenienti dall’Italia e dall’estero. PollicIot sarà presente con uno spazio espositivo
ed interverrà con uno speech di presentazione giovedì 21 settembre alle 10.30 e, il giorno successivo, con altri due speech di presentazione che si terranno nel corso della giornata.

Digital pathology is an interdisciplinary field where competency in pathology, laboratory techniques, informatics, computer science, information systems, engineering, and even biology converge. This implies that teaching students about digital pathology requires coverage, expertise, and hands-on experience in all these disciplines. With this in mind, a syllabus was developed for a digital pathology summer school aimed at professionals in the aforementioned fields, as well as trainees and doctoral students. The aim of this communication is to share the context, rationale, and syllabus for this school of digital pathology.

The school has been organized among the activities of the AIDPATH EU project.

A paper describing our SlideJ plugin for processing digital slides using ImageJ has been published on PLOS ONE:

Della Mea V, Baroni GL, Pilutti D, Di Loreto C (2017) SlideJ: An ImageJ plugin for automated processing of whole slide images. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0180540.

The work was partially supported and funded by the EU FP7 program, AIDPATH project, grant number 612471.

SlideJ is an ImageJ plugin for processing digital slides (also known as virtual slides, WSI, etc). It has been developed by MITEL and is now available at Github and also on

A paper on automated recognition of hotspots in which to evaluate Ki67 positivity has been just accepted and published online by Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics:

David Pilutti, Vincenzo Della Mea, Enrico Pegolo, Francesco La Marra, Fulvio Antoniazzi, Carla Di Loreto. An adaptive positivity thresholding method for automated Ki67 hotspot detection (AKHoD) in breast cancer biopsies. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2017, in press.

The work has been carried out with funding by the AIDPATH Marie Curie EU FP7 project, grant no.612471.


PollicIoT è un progetto finanziato dalla Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia nell’ambito del POR FESR 2014-2020,attivita’ 1.3.b, che vuole rispondere in maniera efficace alle necessita’ di oltre 25 milioni di persone colpite dal morbo di Alzheimer in tutto il mondo,520.000 solo in Italia.
PollicIoT è l’assistente tecnologico che offre un sistema di controllo remoto che permette il monitoraggio del malato a distanza da parte della famiglia o del Care Giver.
La finalita’ di PollicIoT è quella di offrire, in uno scenario di Smart Health Assisted Living, una soluzione completa dedicata all’assistenza dei malati di Alzheimer.
Grazie ad un dispositivo wearable dotato di sensori per l’individuazione della posizione e dei movimenti del malato ed una piattaforma WEB, il Care Giver sara’ in grado in tempo reale di localizzare il malato o ricevere notifiche di allarme in caso di caduta o uscita da perimetri predefiniti.

Sito web del progetto: PollicIoT.

A feasibility study on smartphone accelerometer-based recognition of household activities and influence of smartphone position.

Della Mea VQuattrin OParpinel M.



Obesity and physical inactivity are the most important risk factors for chronic diseases. The present study aimed at (i) developing and testing a method for classifying household activities based on a smartphone accelerometer; (ii) evaluating the influence of smartphone position; and (iii) evaluating the acceptability of wearing a smartphone for activity recognition.


An Android application was developed to record accelerometer data and calculate descriptive features on 5-second time blocks, then classified with nine algorithms. Household activities were: sitting, working at the computer, walking, ironing, sweeping the floor, going down stairs with a shopping bag, walking while carrying a large box, and climbing stairs with a shopping bag. Ten volunteers carried out the activities for three times, each one with a smartphone in a different position (pocket, arm, and wrist). Users were then asked to answer a questionnaire.


1440 time blocks were collected. Three algorithms demonstrated an accuracy greater than 80% for all smartphone positions. While for some subjects the smartphone was uncomfortable, it seems that it did not really affect activity.


Smartphones can be used to recognize household activities. A further development is to measure metabolic equivalent tasks starting from accelerometer data only.

L’Italia ha di nuovo una società scientifica che si occupa di Informatica Medica: La SIBIM – Società Scientifica Italiana di Informatica Biomedica.

Nel febbraio del 2017 l’Assemblea generale dei soci ha confermato il Consiglio Direttivo stabilito alla fondazione, che risulta composto come segue:

  • Silvana Quaglini (Presidente)
  • Vincenzo Della Mea (Vicepresidente)
  • Lucia Sacchi (Segretaria)
  • Pierangelo Veltri (Tesoriere)
  • Riccardo Bellazzi
  • Carlo Combi
  • Mauro Giacomini
  • Stefania Montani
  • Paolo Terenziani


CRO Aviano, 12-16 September 2016

This is the 2nd summer school of a series of activities including networking, workshops, summer schools and short courses designed within the European AIDPATH project ‘Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology’ (FP7-Marie Curie Action).

This School is organized by the University of Udine in collaboration with CRO, and with the unconditioned sponsorship of Roche.


  • Introduction to Digital Pathology
  • The digital slide workflow
  • Technical aspects
  • Image analysis
  • Novel imaging techniques


The foreseen audience is constituted by 10-30 participants holding one of the following positions:

  • Medical doctors (pathologists, haematologists),
  • Laboratory technicians (Pathology Lab),
  • Biotechnologists, biologists
  • Clinical engineers, Health informaticians (with health information systems knowledge)
  • Researchers in related fields.

Further info here: