Other projects
Current projects
- COST action IC0604: EURO-TELEPATH “Telepathology Network in Europe”
- The eSlide software suite for digital pathology
- Telehomecare system for self-reporting of toxicities due to antitumoral therapy
- MIELO: patient-to-doctor communication for SCI patients
- ECOSSED: hybrid (PDA and laptop) support to data collection in Emergency Rooms, applied to sepsis control
- Web based support to multicentric clinical trials: cryoglobulinemia, liver, heart studies.
- MedHome: an interface to PubMed integrating mobile and desktop access to bibliographic data
Past projects
- WEBHIS-IPCARDIO: an open source cardiology EHR, in collaboration with Associazione per la Ricerca in Cardiologia, Pordenone
- VIRTELEPATH/eSlides, with initial funding from Olympus Europe Foundation
- WISE:MAN Project: Wireless Integrated System for Emergency: Maps And Networking (regional funding, cooperation with SISSA-ISAS, Trieste)
- Project “Applicazioni di Teledidattica e Telemedicina per le scuole di specializzazione in Oncologia e Anatomia Patologica tra Aviano ed Udine” (Telemedicine and e-Learning for the specialisation schools in Oncology and Pathology)
- TeleOPer: Sperimentazione e valutazione di strumenti di telepatologia per la diagnosi intraoperatoria in ospedali periferici (Test and evaluation of telepathology equipment for surgical pathology in small hospitals) (funding: Ministero della Sanità)
- “Rete Italiana di Telemedicina per la Ricerca, la Didattica ed il Controllo di Qualità in Anatomia Patologica” (Italian Telemedicine Network for Research, Education and Quality COntrol in Pathology), funded by the University Ministry (RITAP)
- EU Leonardo project “CATAI Telemedicine Courses” (CATAI-CTC)
- MULTIPATH: Distributed Multimedia Services for Telepathology
- U Leonardo project CATAI/Telemed Consortium
- “Merging of Communication and Computer Technologies” (EC, programma TEMPUS, S_JEP-11118-96), telepathology subproject
- Project MANTHA (Multimedia Agent Network for Telepathology and Hypermedia Authoring)