ICHI Beta-3

International Classification of Health Interventions

ICHI Platform User Guide

1. Information on registering, signing in and account management

You may access the ICHI Beta-3 Platform without registration. However, registered users can:

  • contribute to the development of ICHI by commenting and proposing changes to the classification to enhance the content
  • read other users' comments and proposals

Click the icon sign in image to sign in to the system. If you don't already have an account, follow the online instructions to register and set up an account by completing the following information:

account create image

Once you have completed these details, click on account create register image and an email will be sent advising you of your ‘new login (account) details’ to access the Platform. Please remember to click on the validation link in your email to verify your email address and then you can sign in with your new account login details:

mail registration image

If you have forgotten your password click on ‘Forgot the password?’ in the Sign in menu as below:

account menu reset image

You may then reset your password by completing the following screen and an email will be sent with new password details, see below:

account reset password image

mail reset image

2. Account management options

Once logged in you can manage your account by clicking on the manage account option located under your user name e.g.:

account menu image

The following account management options will display for editing your account details:

account manage image

Follow the online prompts within each section to make any required changes:

  1. Edit account – allows you to change personal data
  2. Change email – allows you to update your email address
  3. Change password – allows you to change your password to a more user friendly one as needed.

3. ICHI Homepage

The Homepage for ICHI Beta-3 displays the sections for browsing on the left side, with general information on ICHI Beta-3 and CAVEATS on the right side, as per the screenshot below:

homepage image

For information about how to use the ICHI Platform, please click on the User Guide hyperlink on the Homepage.

To return to the ICHI Homepage, click on the ICHI icon ICHI icon image at the top left corner of your screen.

Further information on ICHI can be accessed by selecting the relevant section on the right side ofthe screen as below:

further information image

This information can also be accessed by clicking on the info icon image icon on the top right side of the screen where a drop down menu will display:

info menu image

Content within the classification is accessed through the panel on the left side of the Homepage, located below the ICHI Beta-3 Tab: ICHI tab image
By clicking on the heading box you can choose to view different components of the classification, as shown below.

3.1 Interventions – displays interventions organised by Target within each of the three sections of the classification:

section list image

3.2 Target – displays the hierarchy of ICHI Target axis categories. When you click on a three-character Target code in the left section of the screen, you can see the definition, inclusions and exclusions for that Target on the right side of the screen. By double-clicking on a Target code you will see all the interventions for that Target listed below it, as in the screenshot below:

target image

When a target has an ICF map, as seen in the example below, you can click on the ICF code which will take you directly to ICF where you will see the ICF definition:

target open image

icf image

3.3 Action – displays ICHI Action axis categories within broad groupings:

action list image

When you double-click on one of these groups this will display the two-character Action codes in that group.
By selecting a two-character code you will see the definition, inclusions and exclusions for that Action on the right side of the screen. By double-clicking on an Action code you will see all the interventions for that Action listed below it, as in the screenshot below:

action open image

3.4 Means – displays ICHI Means axis categories within broad groupings:

means list image

When you double-click on one of these groups this will display the two-character Means codes in that group.
By selecting a two-character code you will see the definition, inclusions and exclusions for that Means on the right side of the screen. By double-clicking on a Means code you will see all the interventions for that Means listed below it, as in the screenshot below:

means open image

3.5 Extension codes – displays codes to be used for recording additional information as an extension to an ICHI intervention code, such as codes for therapeutic and assistive products and medicaments, quantification, laterality, interventions provided together, and a more detailed description of anatomy.

extension codes image

Additional targets may be specified for an intervention as extension codes, using the range of targets available in the Target axis or from the ‘Additional anatomy’ extension list.

To view a different component of ICHI click on the heading box at the top of the left section of the screen and select from the drop-down menu.

4. Navigating ICHI

When navigating ICHI, the classification hierarchy will display on the left side of the screen.
Clicking on any item will display the details of that entity on the right side of the screen.

Initially, the system only shows the top-level items. Lower-level items become visible when you double-click on an item, or click on the small triangle to the left side of the item, (refer yellow highlight section).

navigating image

Click again on the triangle to close all of the open branches and return to the top-level hierarchy.

Remember, to return to the ICHI Homepage, click on the ICHI icon ICHI icon image at the top left corner of your screen.

5. Quick Search

search image

Quick search helps you find interventions within ICHI. It searches for a given term within titles (descriptor), definitions, inclusion terms, includes, code also and excludes notes.

You can search within four components of the classification:

  1. ICHI – searches for the term(s) within intervention codes
  2. Target – searches for the term(s) in the Target axis
  3. Action – searches for the term(s) in the Action axis
  4. Means – searches for the term(s) in the Means axis
  5. Extension Codes

search menu image

See the example below where the term ‘debridement’ is entered into the search field, and the option ‘ICHI’ is selected to search intervention codes. The grey boxes under each code that appears in the search results show which field the term appears in for that code (descriptor, definition, etc.):

search example image

The results are sorted by how well the text entered matches the entity in ICHI. Codes that include the search term in their title (descriptor) are listed first, displaying in the following hierarchical order.

  • Code title search
  • Inclusion term search
  • Excludes notes search etc

In addition to simple word searches you can also enter the first three letters of a term and a list of suggested search results will display e.g. search on ‘fra’ and the following will display to choose from:

search example image

Multiple part word terms e.g. ‘rep kn’ may also be searched on as seen in the screen shot below:

search example image

When you click on an ICHI intervention code in the search results list it will be displayed on the right side of the screen, as seen below:

search result image

The ICHI content section on the right side of the screen will display three small popup windows with the content details of the axes as per screen shot below.


To view the content related to a specific axis left click over the axis you want to view: e.g.
AAA – Brain (Encephalon) or
AD – Biopsy or
AA – Open approach

And a popup window will then display showing the content of the chosen axis, see screen shot below when AAA is clicked.

popover displayed

To close this window, click over the "x" on the top-right corner of the popup window.
A right click on the mouse opens the popup window, whereas a left click on the mouse allows you to directly open the axis in a new tab/window:

popover right click

To go back to the search results list click in the search field again.

6. Extension codes (used when needed)

Additional information about an intervention can be added by the use of extension codes. Click on the heading box in the left section of the screen and select ‘ExtensionCodes’ to see the list of codes available as below:

extension codes selection

A given extension code may be used with any ICHI stem code to which it is applicable. Refer also to the Draft ICHI Guidelines for users for further information on extension codes.

For example, XCA3 Left (Topology, laterality) may be added to an ICHI stem code where it is important to know that the intervention was performed on the left side of the body,


MLM.ML.AA       Reconstruction of muscle of thigh
XCA3            Left

extension codes example image

7. Commenting via ICHI Platform

Comments and suggestions can only be added to the ICHI Platform once you have signed in.

You can comment on any entity in the classification (intervention code, axis category, or extension code), and you can reply to existing comments. Comments can be about the whole entity or one particular property such as the definition, title, inclusion term, etc.

Comments are welcomed on the following questions:

a. Missing and redundant intervention codes. Are the interventions relevant to you included in ICHI?
Please add specific comments and suggestions in the relevant section of the classification suggesting codes to be added or deleted.

b. Code titles and definitions. Are ICHI intervention titles and definitions clear and easy to understand?
Please indicate where titles/definitions are unclear and suggest how they could be improved.

c. Target, Action and Means categories. Do you have suggestions to improve the axis categories?
Please suggest any specific changes to the ICHI axes, including changes to titles or definitions of categories, deletion of categories, or addition of new categories.

d. Inclusions and Exclusions. Do you have suggestions concerning inclusion terms, includes notes, or excludes notes for intervention codes or axis categories?
Please make suggestsions about specific terms to be added or deleted.
(Note: refer to ‘ Draft ICHI Guidelines for Editors and Coders’ for information about inclusion terms, includes notes, and excludes notes)

e. Extension codes. Are the extension codes useful for recording additional information about an intervention?
Please suggest any changes, additions or deletions to the ICHI extension codes.

7.1 Commenting on a an entity

To comment on an entity (i.e. an intervention, axis or extension code), click on the comment icon comment icon image

Enter your comments into the box that appears in the right section of the screen. Please provide as much detail as possible regarding any changes you are proposing

comment tab image

You can provide comments or propose changes concerning the overall entity or a particular property of the entity (e.g., title (descriptor), definition, inclusion terms). Please make it clear what aspect of the entity your comment relates to, e.g.:

  • “Proposal to delete code: this code is not needed because ...”
  • “Proposal to add a new code ...”
    • Please provide the following details if a new code(s) is being proposed:
      • Proposed ICHI code
      • ICHI descriptor (code title)
      • Definition
      • Inclusion terms
      • Includes notes
      • Code also
      • Excludes notes
      • Rationale for inclusion in ICHI
  • “Proposed change to definition: reword definition as follows ...”
  • “Proposed addition of exclusion term: add ...”

If there are existing comments on an entity, the comment icon will display indicating how many comments are attached to the entity comment tab existing comments image and the comments are displayed on the left side of the screen in date order.

If you are responding to an existing comment, please make it clear which comment you are responding to by stating the name of the commentor and date of comment, e.g.:

  • “Response to comment by John Doe, 2016-11-30: I agree that...”

7.2 List of comments

Click on the Comments icon lastest comment icon image to see a list of all the comments received on ICHI content with the most recent displaying first.

latest comment modal image

The default displays comments which have not been reviewed, otherwise you can select to look at those comments which have been 'implemented', 'partially implemented', 'responses' etc, see screen shot below:

comment review type

8. General Comments and Feedback

In addition to making specific comments via the ICHI Platform, any other general enquiries may be emailed to:
